

Codex Home → bbp_list_forums
The bbp_list_forums function is commonly used to display a list of sub forums. You can customise the returned data by passing the function some arguments.
The bbp_list_forums is a function located in includesforumstemplate.php.
To filter this array use:
add_filter( ‘bbp_before_list_forums_parse_args’, ‘your_filter_name’ );
An example list of arguments
array (
‘before’ => ‘

    ‘after’ => ‘

‘link_before’ => ‘

  • ‘,
    ‘link_after’ => ‘
  • ‘,
    ‘count_before’ => ‘ (‘,
    ‘count_after’ => ‘)’,
    ‘count_sep’ => ‘, ‘,
    ‘separator’ => ‘, ‘,
    ‘forum_id’ => ”,
    ‘show_topic_count’ => true,
    ‘show_reply_count’ => true,
    The value you specify for ‘before’ will be put at the start of the returned data.
    The value you specify for ‘after’ will be put at the end of the returned data.
    The value you specify for ‘link_before’ will appear before each row returned in the data.
    The value you specify for ‘link_after’ will appear after each row returned in the data.
    If you have show_topic_count or show_reply_count set to true, then this will attach itself to the start of each count.
    If you have show_topic_count or show_reply_count set to true, then this will attach itself to the end of each count.
    The value specified inside count_sep is what separates each count, for example if you specified a comma the returned count would be: 0,0
    The value specified inside separator is what separates each subforum, for example if you specified
    the returned subforums would be displayed one per line.
    If you specify a forum_id then only child forums of the forum_id will be returned.
    This is a boolean flag, set it to true or false depending on if you want topic counts to be returned.
    This is a boolean flag, set it to true or false depending on if you want reply counts to be returned.
    Common Code Examples
    bbp_list_forums(array (
    ‘before’ => ‘

    ‘after’ => ‘

    ‘link_before’ => ‘

    ‘link_after’ => ‘

    ‘separator’ => ”,
    Returns a list of forums without the comma between reply and topic counts.
    bbp_list_forums(array (
    ‘before’ => ‘

    ‘after’ => ‘

    ‘link_before’ => ‘

    ‘link_after’ => ‘

    ‘separator’ => ”,
    ‘count_before’ => ”,
    ‘count_after’ => ”,
    Returns a list of forums without the comma between and the brackets around the reply and topic counts.